We went through an Aspen Grove! The largest living organism on the planet.
Out of the Grove, we met the sky.
Opal Lake! Now, do you spy those big cedar trees? well, they are a good nine stories High. That's what we climbed.
Here's the view from the top. See the tiny People?
Here's Sarah Ruth On her way up.
Mandy, Sarah and I at the Top.
Once We finished, everyone followed suit. Well, not everyone. But a good number of people felt like they needed to go to a nearby tree, and climb a little bit higher.
The tree: I don't even know what type of tree this is. here are the good things about it.
1. there were lots of branches. Easy to climb.
2. It was tall. Amazing view.
3.There were a lot of branches. I know I already said this, but this is another plus. There were so many that you couldn't fall. It was really safe.
The downs
1. It was flaky. I was wet from swimming and i got bark all over me. And, anyone climbing below got it in their eye if they looked up.
2. there were Spiders.
3. There were a lot of branches. I know this was used as a plus twice, but it was also frustrating. There was only one spot with a view, and climbing involved contorting like a pretzel in order to navigate the limbs.
Over all, good tree, good experience. I recommend going to Opal lake if ever you are in Pagosa Springs Colorado. As you arrive get to the lake, look to your right and you will see three trees that are taller than the rest. Pick the one closest to you and you'll have chosen the one we climbed. It was by Sarah Ruth's inspiration that we decided to climb.
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